Angel Eyes Finally Installed...!!! *PICTURES*

Discussion in '' started by eKtor, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Finally they are on!

    although fern broke, not one, but TWO rings (the ones that were supposed to be on the high beams), we managed to install the low beams. It was a long night, but as always, we had a blast. my boy Eric (Automoglow) is da shit....

    on with the pix :D

    - Trying to figure out how to install it

    - "Should we put it like this?......"

    - ".....or like this?"

    - One of the 2 rings pimpinfern broke *sigh*

    - Test

    - Drilling the hole to fit the cables... Really easy with a dremel drill or how ever you call it.

    - Once the connector clears the hole, you are done...

    - We panted the cables black cause fern has the blacked out housing... On a chrome housing, it would look fine...

    - Baked back together

    - Due to the low light environment, it was impossible to take far away pictures that you could see the ring... We are going to take some pics in the late afternoon so you can see it better

    - Close up, lights off

    - Close up, lights on

    Thats it for now :D

    We are waiting on another set to do it on my car.. this time ill make sure fern doesnt break the small rings :twisted:

    I was going to do a How-To, but i think its not necessary cause its all common sense... if anything, the only thing that you could use help is baking the headlights and tearing them apart... other than that, the rings come with double face tape so its easy to install, drill the holes for the cables, and wire them however you want... I wired them to one of the 3 lil spots on the left side of the steering wheel, to a lil autozone switch... I will not explain the wiring due to liability issues. If you dont know how to wire it, its best for you to seek professional help...

    hope you guys like it :D
  2. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    dude that is did you separated the cover from the housing of the headlight assembly...

    dremel or bake...
  3. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    in our case we did bake @ 250 degrees for 5 mins each... the rest is all muscle lol
  4. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    oooohhhhhhh! Damm que bien les quedo!
  5. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Hey man those are the same potholders we got. 8O copycat!!
  6. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    srry for OT, but what bike is that in the picture?
  7. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    Looks very nice...i'm glad Automoglow stuck with the project as i'm sure he will sell many of these sets :D
  8. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    I dont see any interest in them here though.. this might not even go thru...

    with demand, comes supply ;)
  9. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    i didnt break the bulbs, ektor and auto broke them, ektor snapped a clip off one and thats how that one broke and then auto tried to take the protective plastic off the other and thats how the other one brok
  10. Bouss07

    Bouss07 Well-Known Member

  11. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Its Definitely Bad Ass Dude! Congrats!
  12. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    Just my 2 cents...but a way to possibly boost sales on these would be to make installation as easy as possible a.k.a include instructions. But with instructions brings potential blame I guess? *sigh*
  13. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    well seeing as how everyone was so scared and skeptical about baking a headlight in the first place idk
  14. jc

    jc Well-Known Member

  15. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is possibly the WORST fit on a a-piller gauge pod I've ever seen. It would have been smarter to get one made custom and actually take the time and care to do it, though I wouldn't think any of those gauges actually work.

    With that airbag bundled up right behind the a-piller cover, it's definitely not a bright idea. what a dumbass.
  16. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    This is the guy who claimed to be turbo'd but never once showed engine bay shots...we called him on it and he never posted again :roll: Also anyone else notice the brembo stickers he placed on his STOCK calipers? :?
  17. Bouss07

    Bouss07 Well-Known Member

    haha the guys trying to get the Base Lancer to push it to the limits into a Evo . but he has a awesome fit on the angel eyes they do look nice on both high and low beams
  18. hockygoalie41

    hockygoalie41 Well-Known Member

    yeh idk how i feel about the 'turbo'/'brembos'/gauge pillar haha, but the angel eyes on high and low beams look pretty sweet
  19. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Lets not get off topic here please...

    the kit will OBVIOUSLY bring instructions, thats common sense... what i meant is that there is no sense in writing a how to right now when there arent even available yet. we will get together and write some instructions and they will be sent out with the kit... I dont think a public how to on this would be necessary.

    also they are meant for both high and low beams, but fern broke both the high beam's rings :roll:

    whenever we get the V1.1 of these, ill install them in my car. that install will be more close to everybody's car: chrome headlights and never before opened headlights....
  20. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    yeah we gotta do mine too! xD