As the title states, hurry up guys. I put a simple get together and now things seem to snowballin!! We already have 2 more meets coming up. I hope you saw some of our pics at the first one. It was just a few 08s driving on some twisties, car tech, chickenhead looking great time. Mines was the most stock compared to the others but it was fun. Just giving you guys a lil push to get you all going.
I couldnt agree more. Im there on the 29th. Let me know what I can do to help along with any get togethers. We can have a bowl nite, mini golf night, drive in theatre night. Let me know and we can meet up and cruise out.
kinkbmxrydr --- make that suggestion in the So Cal thread. As for us here in Texas...there are 3 or 4 of us. (technically I don't count because I don't own a Lancer yet). Also, Texas is a heck of a lot bigger the California and we are several hours apart. Not trying to say something won't happen, just that we don't have enough here in Texas to do stuff yet really. Florida should be different, though, because there are lots from there in this thread. Bill
Ok Bill, so how about if we find a middle ground and meet up. We can make a weekend of. Just an Idea, but you need to get a Lancer though-LOL! Im dwn for what ever.
I am actually down to meet in Texas!!! I met a few girls who are from fort worth and there were some down shortys. I had a blast hanging out with them.
I agree fully. I tried, but no-one from down here seems to read the south US board. I'll be in Houston again this weekend... people respond and we'll get something going.