This Newbie Girl LOVES her Lancer!!

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by AlysYellowLancer, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. Just found this site and I LOVE it almost as much as I LOVE MY LANCER! I hope you guys can show me some great things to do with it! I just put a carbon fiber hood on and I am trying to decide on my next project. Can't wait to talk to all you other Lancer lovers!! 8)
  2. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Heh, welcome to the site. I forsee you becoming the most popular person here :wink:
  3. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    We demand pics!
  4. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    Oh and welcome :lol:
  5. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Are you requesting the car, or her :roll: :p
  6. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

  7. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Hey how you doin? you going to eat all that?? No just kidding welcome to the site and its nice to see the ladies lovin the car too. I think you are our third fine lady post pics of you car would love to see the hood. Again welcome the site rocks and will be a great aid in future plans for your Lancer.
  8. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Which CF hood did you get? Also what year is your lancer?
  9. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    welcome :D
  10. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on the Lancer, we like pics!!! and search before posting

    WRONG!!! tis I-TheGoderator!!!
  11. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site !

    We needed another LancerTuner member in the northeast area !!

    And definitly post some pics of your car... we like pics :D
  12. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    welcome. We have punch and pie in the lobby
  13. [​IMG]

    I don't have any pics of my hood yet because I just got it done last week but this is exactly what it looks like.
  14. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    ^^ both! lol
  15. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    Not to put her down or anything but Im a family man lol 100_0210.jpg
  16. I'm having trouble posting my pics of my car for some reason :-(
  17. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    dont forget about the pool
  18. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    u need copy it from photobucket

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    welcome to the forum , my name is jake i am the founder of this great forum, hope you enjoy it as much as i am. I take it that your lancer is older style which is cool. we love all lancers, especially female driven! I really wanna see what you have done under that CF hood. :twisted: :twisted: