New wicked white

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by mb978n, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    thanks again guys really appreciate the welcome... just picked up my car from the tint shop.. 15 percent all the way around.. car is looking wicked.
  2. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    welcome :)
  3. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    Did they do moleskin?
  4. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    yeap they did use the mole skin

    Side tint


    The only thing that can make a grown man cringe


    Oh yea.. lookin mean
  5. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    Looks pretty sick Mb,

  6. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    thanks dude
  7. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    More pics of it in the daytime hours please :)
  8. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    wow that really looks nice, the black paint in the front really makes a nice look and changes the hole feel of the vehicle... i love it lol
  9. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    yea ill post some more pics tomorrow or something in the day time.. it rained pretty bad all day here
  10. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    as per request.. a couple pics with the sun out.. sorry for blurry quality.. it was done with my cell phone


  11. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Matt, I might do the exact same thing cause no doubt its looks even meaner!
  12. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    yea she def looks PISSSSEED when u paint that bumper.. i love it.. turns more heads
  13. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    Indeed, I can't tell but it is a matte/flat black or is it glossy?

    I'm too chicken to paint the bumper, but I'll definitely have the vinyl done, JUST in case I get tired of it.
  14. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    Its matte black... i used Duplicolor bumper coat (flat black)
    if your going to do it and have anyquestions feel free to PM me
  15. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    I might need some pointers on the way you did your grill, COULD be my weekend project :)
  16. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    ill be around.. and the grill was wicked easy heh hardest part is just removing it.
  17. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    I wanna color my grill border, but it'll look weird black/black IMO
  18. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    Ive seen it... didnt think it looked weird.. i just wasnt a huge fan of the chrome looked a little cheese to me
  19. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    Well thats if done good, if i got crappy paint or it wasn't the same amount of gloss as my real paint it'll look pretty lame being two shades of black you know?
  20. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Matt, Ima do it this week-end, so send me pointers ok.