Well I know some peopple have asked for a How To on removing the front bumper of a 2009 Ralliart. Well I finally decided to help the family out. Things you'll need: Ratchet and 12mm Socket Flat Head Screw Driver Phillips Head Screw Driver Ok so here we go.... Step 1: Pop your hood Step 2: Remove Screw Pop Clips holding on the Intake Snorkel with a Phillips Head Screw Driver(red). Also, Remove the 3 pop clips holding down the cover below it with a flat head screw driver(blue). Step 3: Remove five 12mm bolts holding on the support brackets attached to the front bumper. Step 4: Remove the two 12mm bolts in the fender wells where the bumper meets the fender. There's one on each side. Step 5: Remove the four Phillips Head Pop Screws at the bottom of the fender well. Two on each side. Step 6: Remove the four Pop Screws on the bottom shield closest to the fender wells. Two on each side. (Couldn't get a good picture of it) Step 7: Remove the five 12mm bolts on the front of the bottom shield. Step 8: Remove the two 12mm bolts on the bottom grill. Step 9 Unplug the Fog Light plug in the center of the bumper right below the hood latch. Final Step: Pull on the sides of your bumper right next to where the bumper meets the fender. There are about five clips holding it on. And The bumper should fall right off. Sorry about the crappy pictures but hopefully you get the idea.