Roof vinyl ?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by hyperlite662, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. hyperlite662

    hyperlite662 Well-Known Member

    anyone know of any good HOW TO on installing a vinyl for the roof of a car?

    also what should i do flat black or gloss?
    all other accents on my car are flat black. front an spoiler accents.
  2. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I think there was someone on here who did a black roof vinyl on their new Lancer. JDM FLOW maybe. I can't really remember. Somebody help me out.
  3. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    It was flow. I really don't feel like looking for his pr. It hasn't been updated in a while.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  4. hyperlite662

    hyperlite662 Well-Known Member

    could you find the thread on the how to? if you did one?
  5. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    tbh, i would have a pro do it. it involves a lot of time and effort and patience. if you want to do it yourself, i would not suggest doing this by yourself.
  6. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    ^ i agree with this post {bounce}
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Did he do his with plasti-dip? Wouldn't that work?
  8. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    It would be difficult to apply plastidip evenly on the roof. Better off with a vinyl.
  9. hyperlite662

    hyperlite662 Well-Known Member

    this would be no fun at all lol.
  10. hyperlite662

    hyperlite662 Well-Known Member

    i got a quote from a company like 5 min from my house to do it. they said it would cost 250 300.
    yea im all set with that price haha.
    so i went back to my car did some more reasearch then bought my black gloss vinyl.
    hope to have it installed in the next week or 2
    ill post it in my progress report. {bounce}
  11. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    cool can't wait to see pics man
  12. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    That's cool. It will more than likely look good. I like the black roof look.
  13. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    i think helix should do that cuz black on white would look sick
  14. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    I'm anxious to see how this would look. If it turns out well, I'll consider it. But when the idea came to mind I rejected it, because it seemed like it would be too fancy for a Lancer.
  15. blueking_4

    blueking_4 Well-Known Member

    nothing's to fancy for a lancer, Helix should add those lambo doors to make the car have that extra cool look. LMFAO :D
  16. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    I always see BMW M cars with blacked-out roofs lol.
  17. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    lambo doors = Faceplam :laser:
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Blacked out roof always looks clean on a white car. The new Maximas come with, I think. And someone on here did it with a white Lancer. Looked nice.
  19. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    the maximas come stock with it....thats awesome lol
  20. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure they do. Every one I've seen has had a black roof. Well, every white one. Seems like that's the only time I notice it, every other color is dark. It might also be a glass roof. Kind of like on the tCs. Not really sure.