Warranty voided if revved over 5g's

Discussion in 'Evolution X - General Information' started by xXBrutalXx, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    While i was at my dealer droooolling over the New Evo's. then after realizing i could never ever ever afford one, me and my salesman got to talking and he told me that revving the engine over 5 grand voids your warranty, and they can check that by hooking it up to the computer. I was like were is the fun in that =[. That's a lil FYI in case they never told you guy's
  2. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    O___o... how is that possible !...
  3. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    How would they tell if you were reving it, or just driving over 5 grand
  4. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    prolly doesnt matter, if the engine rpms go over 5000 warranty voided.
  5. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    I find this hard to believe.
  6. eg6motion

    eg6motion Well-Known Member

    naw, I call BS. Then can't create an engine that is capable of voiding the warranty under normal circumstances. Thats like them saying your warranty is void if your gas tank runs empty....they make the car capable of doing it even if you should avoid doing it..
  7. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    its true it can void it i went to kerbeck mitsu in pleasentville nj lol, thx for the heads up
  8. tallpaintballer

    tallpaintballer Well-Known Member

    oh well i guess i voided my warenty the first day i got me car :D
  9. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Its not true...It says nothing in the manual or warranty book about it. By law they have to tell you. Just like they tell you no turbo, NOS, ect
  10. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    its really... hard to believe !!! imma ask my dealer about it =P
  11. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    What if I do that system flush. Well not exactly a flush but unhook the battery and the fuse box and let it sit for an hour or so. Than i hook it back up and everything is default. Will that erase the history of how i driven my car?
  12. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    if this was true, your warranty would be voided right off the lot.
  13. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    i find this hard to beleive as well,ive heard though if you blow your transmission,and or motor.they can hook up the ecu to a computer and see what rpms you was running,the temp of the engine,etc. for the last 30 seconds of the car was in operation up to the error.idk if this is true or not but thats what i heard
  14. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    not true. just more salesman bullsh*t talk.....i wouldnt even worry about it...cause i got a buddy who works for a dealership and nothing but bullsh*t....
  15. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    it wasnt a saleman,it was a service tech.
  16. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    I'd say he didnt explain himself well. Reving over 5k wont void it but if you blow the engine to peices and they found you were doing over 5k rpm at the time they would think twice about the repairs. Just like if your shocks died and they found out you were using the car to get air over 10 foot jumps at the time they arent going to help you out.

    Its the same as the rule with the mods. If something you did has directly caused a malfunction that was outside the intended purpose for the item than they dont need to give you your warranty claims. That pretty much applies to anything you buy with a warranty.
  17. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    doesnt matter...come on think about it service techs are sales men as well. they bullshit you and try and suck every penny they can out of you...
  18. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

  19. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    how about we go for a test drive and ask if we can floor it XD see how he'll react... if he lets u floorit over 5k then theres no way he should void your warranty if u go over 5k after u bought the car... if he tells u to floorit but keep it under 5k then thats another story
  20. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    Does this pertain to just the Evo X, or all Mitsubishi cars?