Something odd, any body else have this happen?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by Gflo412, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    All of a sudden my cruise control just stopped working, one day i go to turn it on like any other day...the cruise light comes on in my dash, i hit acc set and matter wut button i hit it just wont start cruise control even tho it says its on, anybody know what would cause this and if the dealer would fix it for free
  2. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    That must be covered by warranty
  3. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Haven't had that problem yet and I use it all the time. Did you try turning it off then back on again?
  4. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    yea i tried it a bunch of times on numerous diff days, still nothing
  5. Greell

    Greell Active Member

    if its under warranty, do yourself a favor----remove any electrical modifications you've done (piggy, HIDS, lights, etc)

    If your dealership is anything like the 4 i've been to in my area...i PROMISE you, they will try to say you've damaged your electrical system because of XYZ mods, and they will refuse to help you.

    just remember, legally they can only refuse warranty service if the modification done can be related to the issue, since anything electrical can technically "electrically damage components of the car"....they would use that as an excuse...but they wouldn't have a leg to stand on, if they say "your cold air intake, clearly caused the electrical related failure"
  6. deesport

    deesport Well-Known Member


    Great post!

    I have to agree, Remove any electrical mods you have made. They will find ANY excuse to send you on your way, or for you to write them a nice check.
  7. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    yea, ide rather just not have cruis control lol
  8. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    I've been told by my head mech at my dealership that the his kit without the relay to prevent the flicker can damage your ECU. Which might be your cruise control issue. Lets hope its just a random issue like the no start. Good luck with this issue.
  9. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    well my kit does have the relay harness, so idk wut it could be
  10. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    That's really strange. I couldn't live without cruise control lol. I drive mainly on the highway so it's nice not having to keep your foot in the same place for hours.
  11. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    yeah. im glad you reminded me. i have the same issue, i just forget to check into it. idk how long its been going on, i just knoww last time i tried to use cruise (last wednessday) it was the exact same thing. i haven't been driving my car much lately so i cant say if there was a certain day it started. and i haven't tried to use it since. i think it might be a fuse. *IF* i remember i'll look more into it tomorrow.
  12. jarol220

    jarol220 Well-Known Member

    Is the cruise control cable coneected to your throttle body?
  13. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    if you find anything out let me know, i would like to have it when i drive up to boston lol
  14. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    Some vehicles will disable the cruise control system if a brake light bulb is being indicated as bad, this includes installing LED lights because they use less power. I hope thats not the problem in ur case, and if it is someone would have to let the manufacturer of the brake lights know.
  15. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    i remember having this problem once wheni first got my car. dont know what it was or what i did to fix it, but i would say disconnect your battery and let your car reset itself. i think thats what i did and now my cruise control works fine.

    other issue, not related,
    is my fan for the a/c and heater is making all kinds of noise like if its a compressor or generator. the dealer says its under warranty and said its common. so heads up and beware that we dont have the best a/c fans in our cars.

    one more issue, unrelated as well,
    my check engine light goes on and stays on for days at a time and then goes off for days at a time. really weird, so i had the dealership check it out a while back and they couldnt find anything wrong and no codes came back bad. so now i made an appointment for them to take appart my dash and find the problem out.

    if anyone else is having these issues, please speak up. these might be defects our cars that mitsubishi might not know about.
  16. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    yeah, we both have the LED's. hmmm... sorry i haven't been able to check on it yet, but i will tomorrow. sould have some time.
  17. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    I never did get to it myself, sorry. but another one of my HALO guys did. he got the lights last week and boom. cruise control is gone. he pulled his lights and put the stock bulbs in, and viola'! cruise control is back. so, what we figure is that you need a resistor, similar to the ones you use if you have LED blinkers. again, something i have to get to. now, he did contact the people that sold it to him and they said they are going to send him something for it (i think, i need to double check). i'm gonna contact my seller and see what they say.
  18. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    i was right..for once lol
  19. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

    cool, let me know wut happens, ill get something from them too if they are offering
  20. RuthlessRides

    RuthlessRides Well-Known Member

    interesting...good to know